Exterior house washing with results that last.

Unlike powerwashing, our exterior house washing services don’t blast off grime and dirt from your home’s surface. Instead, we use sustainable solutions that use less than 1/3 of the water and capitalize on water-based, biodegradable cleaners. These specialized cleaning solutions power their way through algae, mold growth, dirt, and grime that cling to your home. When we’re done, your home’s colors will be more vibrant, and you’ll love the final results. As an added bonus, our results last 4-6 times longer than standard powerwashing.
We can clean your home’s siding, roofing, driveway, patio, windows, gutters, and more. Our ultimate goal is to leave you with a home that’s cleaner from top to bottom and boasts incredible curb appeal! What we clean, however, is up to you. For example, we can do a whole-house clean or just spruce up your siding any time of the year.
My house looks gorgeous!
“Baker SoftWash did an amazing job cleaning my house. It hadn't been washed in 3 years and was looking rough. My house now looks even better than it did when I moved into it and it was brand new. I highly recommend them!! The price was fair, service was excellent, and my house looks gorgeous!”
★★★★★ Lorna M., Google Review
Contact Us Today to Book a Free House Washing Estimate!
Services We Offer

Window Cleaning

House Washing

Roof Cleaning
Contact Us Today to Book a Free House Washing Estimate!
Check out our time-lapse house washing video.
Give our exterior house washing services a try, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t try them out sooner. Get in touch with us at Baker SoftWash today, and we can give you an estimate.
At Baker SoftWash, we offer exterior house washing services for customers in Mooresville, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Charlotte, Troutman, Statesville, Denver, Kannapolis, China Grove, Landis, Concord, and Iredell County, North Carolina.
Why Choose Baker SoftWash?
At Baker SoftWash, we are unlike traditional power washing companies. Why? We use the state-of-the-art soft washing process. Compared with conventional power washing, soft washing provides incredible results because it eliminates dirt, debris, fungi, mold, and other contaminants on your property’s exterior instead of just rinsing off the surface.
See what some of our satisfied clients are saying about our house washing services.