Our exterior cleaning services are a superior alternative to pressure washing.
When your home’s exterior is dirty, you may think that hiring someone for pressure washing services is the best thing to do. However, pressure washing can damage your exterior’s more delicate surfaces, like your roof, and it may not provide the thorough, effective clean you’re looking for.
If you want to truly make your home’s exterior look its best while eliminating buildup, organic matter, mold, bugs’ nests, and other contaminants, hire our team at Baker SoftWash. We’re not a pressure washing company; we’re a soft washing company, and we’re here to enhance your home’s curb appeal with highly effective cleaning methods.
With soft washing, we can clean everything from your home’s roof to its foundation. Hire us, and we can clean your roof, your siding, your windows, your gutters, your pool deck, your patio, your walkways, and so much more. Not only can we use soft washing on nearly any exterior surface, but this process also uses biodegradable cleaning solutions and low-pressure water to emulsify dirt and grime right at the source.
Another great thing about our soft washing services is that the results last and last. In fact, soft washing results can last anywhere from four to six times longer than pressure washing.
"Service was excellent.”
“Baker SoftWash did an amazing job cleaning my house. It hadn't been washed in 3 years and was looking rough. My house now looks even better than it did when I moved into it and it was brand new. I highly recommend them!! The price was fair, service was excellent, and my house looks gorgeous!”
★★★★★ Lorna M.
Need exterior cleaning services? Contact us for an estimate!
Services We Offer
Roof Cleaning Services
If your home has a streaked or dirty roof, make us your first call. We clean all types of roofs and offer a five-year warranty to give you peace of mind.
Commercial Exterior Cleaning
Our professional crews and top-of-the-line equipment mean you can count on results for your property no matter the size, material, or age.
Driveway Cleaning
Our soft wash cleaning process and specialized equipment remove dirt, bacteria, and debris that have built up, leaving your driveway looking new.
Need exterior cleaning services? Contact us for an estimate!
We can make your roof look like new again!
If you’re ready to give your home the level of clean you’ve always wanted, make soft washing your exterior cleaning method of choice. For more information about soft washing and what makes it different from traditional pressure washing, contact us today.
At Baker SoftWash, we offer a superior alternative to pressure washing services for customers in Mooresville, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Charlotte, Troutman, Statesville, Denver, Kannapolis, China Grove, Landis, Concord, and Iredell County, North Carolina.
Why Choose Baker SoftWash?
We clean roofs, solar panels, brick, concrete, awnings, gutters, windows, patios, decks, pavers, stone, driveways, and more. With soft washing, your home does not sustain damage from the harsh power of traditional power washing. Plus, we use biodegradable, water-based cleansing formulas that break down dirt, debris, nests, webs, and other contaminants on contact.