Our roof cleaning services ensure continuing roof protection.
Because of our gentle methods, you won’t have harmful allergens kicked up and aerosolized during the roof cleaning process. Instead of blasting them, our soft wash methods get rid of allergens, mold and dirt altogether in the safest, gentlest way possible for your property. We offer an industry-leading 5-year spot-free warranty.
Very satisfied.
“Baker SoftWash did a great job cleaning my driveway/walkways, gutters/downspouts, and my windows. They showed up on time and were very professional. They went over everything that was agreed upon to be cleaned. I am very satisfied with their services.”
★★★★★ Christopher K.
Services We Offer
Window Cleaning
Driveway Cleaning
Roof Cleaning
You have to see the results to believe them.
FAQs About Our Roof Cleaning Services
One of our most popular offerings here at Baker SoftWash is our roof cleaning services. To help you learn more about this service, our team has collected the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions below.
What do your roof cleaning services involve?
Our roof cleaning services involve first treating the roof with specialized soaps and cleaning solutions, which break down the dirt and grime and kill any mold, algae, or other microorganisms that may be present. Once the cleaning solutions have had time to work, we will spray the roof with water to remove all the contaminants and leave it pristine.
What makes your roof cleaning services better than pressure washing?
There are two reasons why our roof cleaning methods are a better alternative to pressure washing. First, pressure washing uses such powerful jets of water that it is likely to damage the target surface, and using pressure washing on your roof in particular is likely to damage or even remove shingles. Second, our soft wash methods are designed to get rid of mold, algae, and other microorganisms that collect dirt, meaning that they leave your roof cleaner and keep it that way for much longer than other methods.
How often should I have my roof cleaned?
While the answers to this question can vary depending on how large your roof is and how dirty it gets, in general we recommend that you make use of our roof cleaning services at least once every two to three years.
At Baker SoftWash, we offer roof cleaning services for customers in Mooresville, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Charlotte, Troutman, Statesville, Denver, Kannapolis, China Grove, Landis, Concord, and Iredell County, North Carolina.