Our commercial exterior cleaning experts have the right tools to help you keep your facility in top-notch condition.
At Baker SoftWash, we know your business is important to you, and we want to help you take the best possible care of your facilities. One important part of maintaining your commercial property is keeping the exterior clean, and we offer expert commercial exterior cleaning services to help you do just that.
When most people think of exterior cleaning, they think of pressure washing. Unfortunately, standard pressure washing can seriously damage the surfaces that it is used on, stripping paint, ruining sealant, and damaging wood, concrete, and even stone. Because of this, our commercial exterior cleaning experts use an alternative method known as soft washing, which requires much lower water pressure. Our team will first treat your exterior with a biodegradable cleaning solution that breaks down dirt and kills mold, algae, and other microorganisms, then spray the surface with water to wash all the grime away.
Removing mold, algae, and the like is the key to effective exterior cleaning, as these microorganisms will damage your surfaces if left to linger for too long. Because our cleaning solutions are specially designed to deal with these contaminants, they do a better job at getting rid of them and will prevent them from coming back.
Our team is proud to serve local businesses here in Davidson, North Carolina, and we want to help you keep your facility looking its best. If you are interested in our commercial exterior cleaning services, we encourage you to give us a call in order to learn more.
At Baker SoftWash, we offer commercial exterior cleaning services for customers in Mooresville, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Charlotte, Troutman, Statesville, Denver, Kannapolis, China Grove, Landis, Concord, and Iredell County, North Carolina.